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What's new on the Dimmerrack website
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October 22, 2023, Rackables panel assemblies has been uploaded.

This section of Dimmerrack is vast and will take time to build and complete.
We may be able to re-arrange our production schedule and help you meet your deadline.
Click the graphics to the left to go directly to Rackables.

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October 14, 2023, Mid-Box and Pro-Box have been uploaded.

Mid-Box and Pro-Box Distros webpages are published and online.
Click the graphics to the left to go directly to RTG.

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October 10, 2023, Rak-Box units now in stock.

The popular Rak-Box Distros from Dimmerrack are now partially built and ready to ship.
The Americonn checkout is being used until the RTG gateway is up and running.
Free shipping is included with multi-unit discount. Click the graphics to the left to go directly to RTG.

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June 25, 2023, Americonn Webpages Restored.

Authorize with it's faster gateway and better opportunity is now handling Americonn.

New Pages and Product are being added. The Store is open.

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September 15, 2022, Distro Builder Supplies
We have upgraded the Americonn section with Stock panels, breakers and hardware.

Americonn will continue to offer it's "Connectors at Cost" program. NO RESELLERS, PLEASE
Supplies have been added to this section to promote Distro builders across the country.
Click icon on the left to go directly to Americonn.

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October 22, 2021, Americonn Electrical Connectors
Launched in April 2020, a full series of connectors for the AV production community.

Dimmerrack will continue to offer it's "Connectors at Cost" program. NO RESELLERS, PLEASE
This connector pricing is offered to production companies rebuilding their cable extension inventories.
Click icon on the left to go directly to Americonn.

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May 20, 2021, Hinged Blank Panels return to Dimmerrack
These panels were intended to be a "Back Door" for full size racks. (not for resale)

We've buried the hinged panels on the Panel Distro options page.
Just click the graphic to the left and go directly there.

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Sep 29, 2020, "ProBox" miniature enclosed distro upgraded.
We've added more breaker slots/connector modules to support most popular connectors.
External phase conversion allows switching phase without opening chassis.
Cam Pass thru now available with Probox4. Click the graphic to go directly to "ProBox."

Go to HalfRack

Dec 20, 2019, Introducing "HalfRack" 6U & 8U, 2-sided Miniature Touring Rack

Panels 10.5" wide in a roadcase fitting in the backseat of your car or in the back with the trunk closed.

Buy the Rack and the panels, build it yourself or we can build it for you.

Click the graphic to go directly to "HalfRack."

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Dec 17, 2019, Introducing "ProBox" 4U miniature enclosed distro in three phase or single phase

We've upgraded our popular "Rak-Box" distro by using 16 series (400a) Cams, more circuits
and a modular design allowing clients to make their own changes.

Swivel sides allow chassis to open at a 90 degree angle, making rebuild by the client very simple.
ProBox is priced like a panel distro, we threw in the chassis and modules and available in seven colors.

Click the graphic to go directly to "ProBox."

Nov 08, 2019, DiscountPanelsandParts.com website being dissolved. Clients expressed interest "Not" to spin off
as a separate company. All stock panel pages re-integrated and linked to their original assembly pages.
Sales@discountpanelsandparts email discontinued. Use info@dimmerrack.com as email.

PowerDistros.com website dissolved. Sales@Powerdistros.com discontinued. Use info@dimmerrack.com as email.

Dec 09, 2017, Powercon True1 connectors (Neutrik NAC3FPX) are added to Dimmerrack
as Panel Connector assemblies, Connector/Breaker assemblies, Rak-box and Panel Distros.

Use quick Links below to go directly to these sections. PNP website is now stocking up to service these products.

Powercon Panels Powercon Breaker Panels Powercon Rak-Box Powercon Distro Panels

May 26, 2017, RTG Products made the decision to convert all RTG websites
to the Authorize.net gateway platform. This new economical Shopping cart/Checkout system,
costs less and allow our websites to provide "Low Cost Shipping" on most purchases.

Nov 25, 2017
, PNP website complete and relaunched. Some broken links and PDF's but we're working on that.

May 26, 2017, RTG Products made the decision to convert all RTG websites
to the Authorize.net gateway platform. This new economical Shopping cart/Checkout system,
costs less and allow our websites to provide "Low Cost Shipping" on most purchases.

Aug 11, 2017
, Dimmerrack website complete and relaunched. Panels and Parts website programming begins.

"Whatsnew" Link

Featured on the Dimmerrack front page, this link takes you to this page, displaying some of the newer items and features of the Dimmerrack website. Go to this page to see some of the more recent items that we are offering. Note: the "Whatsnew" button may also change.
As the button gets older, we'll update it with something that looks.......new!

What's New on this page

"Whatsnew" Feature Button

On each Dimmerrack page that features a new product or service, a smaller "whatsnew" buttom will be displayed. Moving the cursor over the button opens a message box describing the new feature.

Panel Distros Option Page

In the right column of every panel distro page is the link to a wide series of options.
Dimmerrack clients can "customize" their distro purchase with various features for their unique application.
These options are available as an integrated component to the distro as well as sold separately.


Ammeters (measuring electrical current) are now available separately.
Panels are provided for single phase and three phase applications with current measuring transformers.
Two versions are also provided combining meters and convenience outlets on the same panel.

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"The knowledge of unregulated corporate greed needs to pass with those that took so much from so many
so that the children of tomorrow can benefit from its absence."